“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”
—Zig Ziglar
While I normally write my health articles on this site, I have been considering submitting articles to Medium publications to hone my writing and grow my audience. To get started, I just needed to publish my first article on Medium. I had been putting that off, thinking I wanted to write the “right” article to start and to find the “right” publication. This is my first article of this sort in 2025, and I hadn’t made any moves toward this goal on Medium.
Today’s post for this site was going to be on how Ozempic has impacted my motivation to anything that isn’t habitual. How ironic! So, right before I hit “Publish” on this post, I decided to stop the presses at the last minute and publish it instead on Medium. Not ideal, but to heck with it.

I don’t intend to do this often. However, I also wanted to just get off my duff and take a first step to try something new. Would you support me in this?
If so, I humbly ask for three things:.
- Visit the Medium article for free using my friend link:
Note: if you have a paid Medium subscription, I would appreciate your accessing the article here:
https://medium.com/@stevepao/the-good-complex-and-potential-bad-of-ozempic-f23ce6c8b79d - If you have a Medium account (free or paid) and like the article, clap for me. You can clap up to 50 times. (If you don’t yet have a free Medium account, you can sign up with Google with a single-click and later turn off email notifications. I’ve done this myself.)
- Follow me. Don’t worry. My intent isn’t to spam you from Medium, too. (I will keep spamming the subscribers to time-restricted.com from here! 😜) I am just trying to communicate to other Medium publications that I do have at least some readers.
Thanks for the support. I hope you enjoy the article on Medium! Like I said, I’ll be continuing here, too. Also, if you haven’t seen my retirement blog, I am spending more time on Substack at retiredpdx.com.